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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Public employees removing roadside Christie signs?

Are public employees removing Christie for Governor signs in Plainfield?

Seems it might be so.

Got the following comment Wednesday in response to the post about Linda Stender getting in the sign game (finally) by chipping in for some new Linda/Jerry signs.

Here is the comment, in full --
Was driving to work this morning at 6:15 am listening to 101.5 (Trenton). A caller from Scotch Plains told the host Jim Gearhart that yesterday he witnessed Plainfield DPW employees removing Christie signs on West 7th St. The caller asked the DPW employees why and they said "the signs were too close to the road." The caller said Corzine, Green and Briggs signs were in the exact same location and left untouched. Seems to me the DPW is now working for the re-election of the Democrats. Can you investigate? Call the station. Talk about unfair -- first the removal of the Republican mayoral candidate from a public forum and now opposition party signs being removed compliments of city employees. Come on.

An email inquiry to the producer of the Gearhart's call-in show has not been answered as of this posting.

However, I wonder whether the caller may have confused the identity of those allegedly picking up the signs.

West Seventh Street (on which I live) is a county highway, and the city's DPW trucks do not come down it to pick up leaves or yard waste, nor plow snow. However, Union County trucks are regularly seen. My suspicion is that the driver may have spotted Union County public employees along the county roadway.

Besides, if Assemblyman Jerry Green or his protegé Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs wanted any signs removed, I have a hunch that Christie's would NOT be at the top of their lists.

-- Dan Damon

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Rob said...

Norcross, Corzine, Charlotte, Mayor Jerry, Assistant Mayor Sharon...Do any of the individuals named strike you as having a sense of morality that would prevent them from ordering public employees to do their personal bidding at election time?
-- Let's not forget Assistant Mayor Sharon's personal body guards courtesy of the Plainfield Police Department

active citizen said...

The writer of this blog is obviously allowing that Jerry Green and Robinson-Briggs can be trusted to do the honest, morally correct thing. I'm not that optimistic.

I ride my bike and walk for my health and enjoyment and have seen several drivers near Woodland Ave. pull off the road, cross it just to take down Corzine signs. I guess he is truly hated for people to go to all that trouble on one of Plainfield's busiest roads.