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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Does PoliticsNJ kowtow to Charlotte DeFilippo?

'Wally Edge' is the pseudonymous columnist for PoliticsNJ.

When Plainfield Today found a connection between C21 Atlantic
Realtors®, who are the exclusive brokers for Plainfield's new Senior Center/condos complex, and UCIA executive director Charlotte DeFilippo (who is also the Union County Dem Chairperson), it intrigued the good folks over at CountyWatchers, the blog that keeps an eye on Union County government.

Billboard for the Plainfield project shows C21 Atlantic as the exclusive realtor.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

The connection?

Sebastian D'Elia, a spokesperson for Union County AND a commissioner on the Union County Improvement Authority -- who ALSO happens to be a salesperson with C21 Atlantic.

Business card of Sebastian D'Elia.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

CountyWatchers posted on these connections (see here) and forwarded the information to their press list.

And then it got interesting.

According to Pat Quattrocchi of CountyWatchers, Wally Edge, the very popular and widely followed pseudonymous columnist for PoliticsNJ picked up the item.

When Quattrocchi noticed it, the item had netted tags to Charlotte and D'Elia in the 'tags' box and four or five comments.

Curiously, the item disappeared within a few hours, says Quattrocchi, along with the tags and the comments.

But, as Karl Rove and others have learned to their chagrin, stuff on the Internet never quite disappears.

Results of a Google search for the two items.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

Doing a Google search for 'Wally Edge' and 'Charlotte DeFilippo' snagged the missing item as its second link (see circled item in image above) --
"By Wally Edge - August 22, 2007 - 9:10am. Tags: Sebastian D'Elia, CHARLOTTE DEFILIPPO,. The County Watchers, a blog that monitors Union County government, ... - 55k -"

Cache header for the Google search.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

So, now the question is: Why did PoliticsNJ take down the post, the tags and the comments?

Was it pressure from Charlotte DeFilippo? Or some other Democratic figure?

What are we supposed to make of PoliticsNJ's independence and integrity in light of this incident?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Plainfield Today --
CountyWatchers --
Google: "Search for 'Wally Edge'+'Charlotte DeFilippo'"

-- Dan Damon

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