Coincidentally, two of the supporters in this campaign mailing
photo ended up as the Mayor's bodyguards.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Since the security detail appeared out of thin air in July 2006 -- without formal announcement or justification -- I have received voluminous complaints about the necessity, propriety and cost of this mayoral perk.
Now that Mayor Robinson-Briggs' administration has submitted a budget proposal for FY2008, the Council finally has a chance to look into the matter (unless, of course, you count LAST year, during which the Council did NOT) as part of its responsibility to strike the budget for which you, dear taxpayer, will be footing the bill.
COMPLAINTS that I have heard include the following --
- Her bodyguards have been spotted chauffering family members around
- Her bodyguards have been seen performing personal errands for the Mayor
- Both her bodyguards have 24-hour vehicles
- If bodyguards are needed, why not overnight?
- The Mayor is sometimes seen out and about without bodyguards
Chauffering and personal errands are definite no-no's, so let's hope these are baseless. New York State's former comptroller, Alan Hevesi, got in trouble big-time for crossing this line, eventually resigning his office in a plea agreement that avoided jail time.
As for the 24-hour vehicles -- these would have to be approved by the City Council in a resolution (for insurance purposes), just as the police, fire, OEM manager's and other vehicles are each year. No one can recall such a resolution. But, hey, I could be wrong.
I am told that her bodyguards are now on a schedule that leaves her unattended between 11 PM and 7 AM. So, the supposed threat that justifies the detail goes away at night? Hmmm.
Lastly, the inconsistency of the Mayor being out and about WITHOUT her bodyguards. Readers have told me she has been spotted shopping in various venues sans protection during the daytime. Personally, I was among the good-sized crowd at the opening of the Seniors Art Show at the Library a couple of weekends ago, and thought it odd that the Mayor was in the exhibit room -- unattended -- while her bodyguard was out in the hall at the refreshments table. I have nothing against someone getting some finger-food, but doesn't being on duty mean being in her presence if not at her side? (Recalling visits of President Bush and Gov. Whitman to Plainfield, I can attest their security stays close to them all the time.)
THREAT ASSESSMENT? Was a threat assessment ever done? I am unaware of one. And last August, when I was interviewed by an Assistant County Prosecutor because I had brought the question of threats against the Mayor to public notice, there was NO mention of a threat assessment, only that there were rumors of threats.
Now, threat assessment is a recognized field of activity -- people actually make a living at assessing the threats to public officials, devising plans of action to deal with the threats, and implementing same. So, WHO performed the threat assessment in Plainfield's case? And what guarantee do we have that it was done professionally and impartially, that is by an outside agency like the NJ State Police or the FBI?
And if there was an original threat assessment, when was it updated? After all, threats can go away, too. So we need to know if there is a continued justification for the bodyguards.
I can understand that the public would not be made privy to the CONTENT of such as assessments, but the FACT that they have been done should be out there, if only to silence the critics.
Lastly, there are voluminous complaints about the presumed cost of Mayor Robinson-Briggs' bodyguards, with rumors flying of large overtime costs and abuse of sick time and vacation policies. Wouldn't it be well-advised for the Administration to prepare a little chart for the public to put these rumors to rest?
Bernice reports today on Councilor Gibson's shutting down of the public discussion at Tuesday's budget hearing, challenging Councilor Storch's raising questions in the public meeting.
There may be some reason to have at least part of the discussion in executive session, but Councilor Gibson must be aware that EVENTUALLY even executive session minutes become open public records.
Since VOTERS are so annoyed by questions of the expense, necessity, and perhaps (given some of the above questions) even the effectiveness of the bodyguards, one has to wonder if they will bear it in mind when they go to the polls.
Lastly, I am reminded that throughout his eight years as Mayor -- and one who was just as strongly against crime in our fair city as the current Mayor -- Al McWilliams was seen in every neighborhood of this city riding his bike.
Sometimes even without a helmet.
Further reading --
- Bernice on the Budget: "Budget Notes: Public Safety"
- Google Books: "Protective Intelligence and Threat Assessment"
- U.S. Secret Service: "National Threat Assessment Center"
-- Dan Damon
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I want an outside audit of the Cities finances. Because I am concerned not only about the body guards but also all of the other patronage positions created by the Green/Robinson-Briggs administration
all i know is that the city streets are a mess, i see empty bags of crack dropping my child off at day care, and there is no shortage of prostitutes or beer drinkers in plain sight of city hall.
is the mayor really doing her job? well if you count paying back her cronies and supporters with fat salaries and perks like hanging out with her and getting paid, why I think the answer is YES!
if the answer is for improved quality of life, greater confidence in city government, and an improved school system and reputation of our queen city...the Answer is NO!
wake up ms. robinson-briggs. you are fooling no one. time to get to work.
Is any information available about the training and background of the Mayor's bodyguards? Are they armed?
Regarding the training and arming of her bodyguards: You ask a good question.
As police officers, they are trained AND armed.
I do not know if they have any special training as bodygurds.
-- Dan
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