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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Muhlenberg: Heather Howard tips state's hand

The charade that state authorities are playing over the proposed closing of Plainfield's Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center was revealed in testimony that Heather Howard, commissioner of Health & Senior Services, gave to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee yesterday.

In a story from Gannett's state bureau in today's Courier (see here), Howard is cited as saying the impending closure of Muhlenberg may ultimately help other nearby sites, such as JFK in Edison.

The fact that she would even mention Muhlenberg -- and apparently as a DONE DEAL -- gives the lie to the notions that --
  1. she was not going to make any public comment while the process was ongoing, and
  2. that the process really is a fair one and will make a decision based on a needs assessment of the community.
There are several elephants in the room here, but only one NEVER gets talked about.

Everyone is willing to acknowledge that the shrinking of federal and state payments is key. Everyone acknowledges charity care -- which New Jersey hospitals cannot, by law, refuse -- is putting many hospitals in jeopardy.

But the one elephant in the room that no one ever wants to talk about is the POLITICS of how these decisions are being made.

It was quite clear years ago in the way the cardiac surgery licenses were doled out that the whole process was political. Some hospitals got licenses and simply 'banked' them. Muhlenberg, with admittedly the BEST PROPOSAL, was shut out completely. Our political heavyweight, Assemblyman Jerry Green, couldn't pull it off.

Same thing happened when the Assemblyman attempted to get a school built on the Muhlenberg campus and shift millions toward the hospital.
Our political heavyweight, Assemblyman Jerry Green, couldn't pull it off.

And here we are now, with the Assemblyman working full speed to cooperate with Solaris in shutting Muhlenberg down -- all the while claiming to be 'supporting' the community.

I believe that a fair and impartial needs assessment would show that Muhlenberg is indeed 'most critical' (as Gov. Corzine likes to say) to Plainfield and the surrounding communities.

I have heard rumors that originally it was JFK that would have been slated for closure, and that Muhlenberg served a more critical need. If that is true, Plainfield and the surrounding communities are being given the short end of the stick and politics once again trumps reality or necessity. In war, they call it 'collateral damage'.

As Ms. Howard is cited in the story as saying, Muhlenberg's closing may ultimately help JFK.

But here's a thought for Heather Howard and JFK: What will you do when all the problems that have burdened Muhlenberg simply show up on JFK's doorstep?

How long will it take before JFK sinks beneath the waves?

Three years? Five years?

And for this, 131 years of service to Plainfield should be sacrificed?

For shame!

-- Dan Damon

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update our community needed to know the real deal behind the attempt to close Muhlenberg Hospital. Our community has been targeted to get the short end when there has to be cuts. Residents if the politicians get away with this and we do not speak out or stand up, what will be next! the closiing of schools and fire houses. Once amputation starts we could lose a lot and be targeted for high risk thereby causing us to pay outrage life, health and property insurace or cancelled because we do not have critical services within our community Do we understand our lives are at stake!) Our families , my family, your family will suffer everytime there is a budget crises. We are valuable and we need good political representation who cares about us and when we know we are represented well then the owness is on our shoulder. Thanks again for all of the update on Muhlenberg. You have my sincere prayers and support

Queen City Serf said...

I watched the entirety of the NJ Senate Budget Hearing last night. Kudos to Sen. Kevin O'Toole (R), who really took the Commissioner to task for the lack of a cohesive approach to healthcare in NJ. Most surprising in watching the Hearing was the callous metrics used to determine charity care distribution/ranking and the failure of the Commissioner, Ms. Heather Howard, to think outside the box to keep hospitals from closing. As to tipping the State's hand, Ms. Howard spoke of the closure of Muhlenberg as a fait accompli. In fact, as if she was an advocate for Solaris, she said yesterday, "Muhlenberg Hospital is losing so much money, I think it's a failing hospital and its dragging down JFK. The reason Solaris wants to close Muhlenberg is to strengthen JFK...” Of course, the questions one asks include, what defines a "failing hospital", have the financials been reviewed to determine how and why it is losing "so much money", why are the financial not public, have they been properly audited, and why is the Commissioner giving priority to the objectives of Solaris over those of the community.

Anonymous said...

The simple point that everyone seems to be missing, for over a century, wealthy citizens of Plainfield have left trusts to Our hospital in Union County not JFK in Middlesex!! What do the wills read? -- RG

olddoc said...

Consistent with my comments. IT IS POLITICAL. Green's lack of positive action and BS talk suggest the he is anti-Plainfield and anti- Muhlenberg per his agenda, Who represents us? What comments has he made for the record in the Assembculy that would indicate he works for us?
Solaris as dominent partner raped Muhlenberg of its prime assets to benefit JFK.It is true that figures don't lie but liars figure. Are some JFK's expenses charged to Muhlenberg? A true accounting if possible is needed b efore the closure certificate is granted.. In the past Overlook and JFK have dumped pts into MH's ER when thinks were tight and ability to pay a factor. This can not be proven b ut I am sure local rescue squads will confirm.