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Schools Superintendent Dr. Steve Gallon | Assemblyman Jerry Green |
Plainfielders are wondering if Assemblyman Jerry Green is losing it.
His unprovoked attack yesterday on Plainfield Schools Superintendent Steve Gallon has folks scratching their heads in bemusement (see story here).
Under a headline screaming 'Plainfield BOE loses $400,000', Jerry lets off the following rant --
I was notified today that the Plainfield School District had to send back $400,000 in State aid. No one in the district has called my office to share this information with me. This is not the first time that the City of Plainfield had to send money back to Trenton because of a lack of communication with my office. I want to share with you how embarrassing this is to the City...Two points need to be made --
- Dr. Gallon has a perfectly reasonable explanation (see below); and
- Jerry needs to be careful talking about returning money -- his mayoral puppet Sharon Robinson-Briggs almost lost $460,000 secured by Sen. Frank Lautenberg except for a campaign waged by Plainfield Today to make sure it was saved (in posts from August 2006 to June 2007, the last just days before the grant was set to expire). Her most recent escapade in tardiness was the flap around the East 6th Street playground, where she was in danger of losing an $85,000 grant which had already been TWICE EXTENDED (read more here), and came to the Council in full panic mode.
But Jerry goes on to suggest that all could have been fixed with a phone call to him. Jerry, the fixer. Hmmm...
Schools' superintendent Steve Gallon sees the situation somewhat differently.
Here is Dr. Gallon's detailed response, in an email to BOE Board President Bridget Rivers which she shared with me --
Will there be more Jerry meltdowns as the campaign season unfolds?With respect to speculations, rumors, and innuendos, fair, transparent, and courageous leadership require a degree of due diligence and fact finding. This administrator has remained open and responsive to inquiries and questions and concerns raised by those who may have raised them in a decent and orderly manner.Truth has no special time or place. Its time is right now and right here. Always!
I remain somewhat intrigued by the unnecessary and useless fodder and too often factual inaccuracies espoused by a few that inherently divide us and bears no positive fruit to the people or children of Plainfield. Nonetheless, we must remain undaunted in our efforts to work together, speak truth to power, and engage in those positive “bodies of work” that will ultimately help improve our community, quality of life, and possibilities for our children.
With that said, as it relates to the inquiry about the District’s “loss” of $400,000.00, it is imperative that I provide an accurate response to this matter. I do appreciate your contacting me and inquiring about this matter from a legally responsible and accountable source such as this administrator. Please know, that I had not been contacted by anyone else to provide accurate information regarding this matter and remain grateful for the respect and courtesies that you have demonstrated. The following represents the factual context of this matter:
* Members of the Board of Education may not legally initiate a purchase and/or expenditure of said fundsThe New Jersey Office of Grants Management has specific guidelines and provisions for the “carry-over” of grant funds. In general, they posit that “carryover funds may be reallocated to budget categories other than those specified on the original application, providing that the funds are expended on approved activities in accordance with program guidelines.” For example, if the initial goals and objectives reflected in the grant application are not fully attainable or are adjusted, such can result in a “carryover.” The worst mistake for a District to do is to use funds outside of the scope of what they were allocated for. This would constitute mismanagement. Although I was not here at the time, this was not the case.
* The initiation of District funds is a part of the “day-to-day” operations of schools and District offices
* A total of $418,000.00 was returned to state by the District
* Fund Balances are not uncommon in not only school Districts, but organizations---this is what is often referred to as “surplus”
* Often, grant funds such as Title I and even the recent awards received by several of our schools, arrive late in the year making it imprudent for a school or office to spend tens of thousands of dollars in a few months, which amounts to “haste making waste”. In such a case, the District or school would “carryover” those funds for timely planning and prudent purchasing
* There are specific guidelines for the “rollover” of funds. Those guidelines were adhered to. There was no “mismanagement” of any funds
* These funds were accumulated over a three year period ending June 30, 2008 (05/06; 06/07; 07/08)
* Theses funds were a combination of specifically earmarked grant sources
* There were 29 line item in this funding structure with balances that ranged from $360.00-$52,855.00
* Each line item delineates a specific purpose (i.e., field trips, supplies, staff)
* Some of these line items were at school sites which were charged with there management
* These grant funds could not be used for the purchase of textbooks, school lunches, etc.
* The grant period covered a two-year period ending in June, 07.
* If the funds allocated are not able to be expended in accordance with the predetermined guidelines, they must be returned
* A District can not “exceed” the amount of the grant funds
Finally, my position in no way minimizes the need for the District to use any and all available resources for our students. I have taken appropriate steps since my arrival that include but are not limited to requiring annual expenditure plans, monthly reviews of funds balances, centralized plan development and implementation, and ongoing monitoring.
I hope that this has served to clarify this matter. As always, please feel to contact us for further questions and/or clarification.
Steve Gallon III, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
Stay tuned.
- Jerry Green's Page, 4/8/20009: "Plainfield BOE loses $400,000"
- Plainfield Today:
- 8/23/2006: "Lautenberg money called to Robinson-Briggs' attention in transition memo"
- 5/21/2007: "Will city have to give $460,000 back to Feds?"
- 6/26/2007: "Lautenberg grant deadline looms"
- 1/26/2009: "Questions for Mayor on Bryant Playground grants"
-- Dan Damon
I have no sympathy for Jerry's silly attack on Mr. Gallon. But who can wade through Gallon's "perfectly reasonable explanation"?
Gallon tells us, "I remain somewhat intrigued by the unnecessary and useless fodder and too often factual inaccuracies espoused by a few that inherently divide us and bears no positive fruit to the people or children of Plainfield."
Somewhat intrigued?
Unnecessary and useless fodder?
Inherently divide?
Positive fruit?
I could go on, but I'll spare you the rest.
I hope they don't teach the schoolkids to write like that.
Where did we find a school superintendent who thinks that writing consists of spewing out every four-syllable, Latinate word you know in a blizzard?
Notes from Underground
I do so very much respect the Dr.'s reply, but I have to be honest here ... I am absolutely furious with this financial blunder.
I do understand clearly it was prior to the current CSA watch...however does or does not the BOE get updates on Budget expenditures, statuses, shortages and yes SURPLUS.
I'm especially disheartened because for YEARS PEP has been struggling to get financial support from the district and have been categorically DENIED time and time again... And what we did get was mere chicken feed.
I get the monies have to be utilized in a particular way and would really like to gain a greater understanding on exactly what that means.
I personally have been fighting for Gifted and Talent programs at the elementary school level for the past 3 years...and funds were reported to be the issue.
So the question is ---if the State issues money for EDUCATIONAL purposes that fall within areas that stymie our ability as a community to utilize these funds to meet the needs OUR children then WE as A COMMUNITY should be made aware so that WE AS
A COMMUNITY can LOBBY the necessary DECISION MAKERS to demand the flexibility WE NEED AS A COMMUNITY.
We have GOT TO STOP this “LEFT HOLDING THE BAG” mentality. DAMN-IT!!! OUR children are SUFFERING and this is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Understand I am NOT blaming the current CSA -- he has absolutely walked into a WASP nest...but I do hold the current BOE ACCOUNTABLE -- they HAVE BEEN SEATED for over 10 years at least one, some or most – No EXCUSES No ALIBIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes -- they certainly cannot dictate the day-to-day...but they do have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure Budgets are utilized effectively to the BENEFIT of our CHILDREN. I'm just so NAUSEOUS right NOW!
Mark SPIVEY – this deserves your follow-up!
Signed -- Madder than a MUTHA!!!
Has someone called the a Podiatrist yet to have that foot removed from Jerry's mouth yet?? Though I partially agree with Anonymous' posting at 9:28AM regarding having to wade through Gallon's response to Jerry's faux pas, I think it's really a thinly veiled one finger wave to Jerry. For that I commend him, Jerry doesn't deserve such politeness when sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. I am sure if Gallon would like some advice on the fastest way to run the school district into the ground and ruin the future of all the students..he knows where to find Jerry.
From a long time observer:
Jerry Green is a hot mess! What is wrong with him?? Why does his running mate, Linda Stender, allow him to treat us this way?? Why doesn't she say anything about Plainfield? Why can't she talk to Jerry to get him to stop attacking his own constituents and members of his own political party? I can only surmise from her utter silence that she feels the same way about us as Jerry Green.
Gallon is clearly an intelligent person and speaks that way. I actually enjoy his style of writing and had not problem understanding his explanation. I hope that my child does learn to write and speak correctly. Dr. Gallon, keep up the great work. And dont' dumb down your writing for anyone. Dictionaries are still very useful tools.
Rashramatz, though I understand your frustration, this does not appear to be a blunder. As a person with a business background this is not uncomon. I agree that more information would be needed to better understand what did or did not happen. I do know that this is clearly a case of Jerry Green trying to ruin, I mean run everything in Plainfield. I agree with Rob, Dr. Gallon, though presenting himself as a gentleman is clearly telling Jerry to stay clear. Maybe we finally have someone with the "chutzpah" to run the schools. He appears to be focused and clear about what he is doing. I pray we get someone to the same in the Mayors Office.
I am amazed at Green's nerve in making these attacks. I went to his blog, his fingers must be burning, he is writing so furiously. He is also engaging in revisionist history in regards to Al McWilliams. He writes that he liked Al and had respect for him, but that is not the way Plainfield remembers it, and Green ought to stop it. He used character assassination against McWilliams and Mapp and Storch and Burney and Carter and Blanco, all of whom were affiliated with Al and the New Dems. His vitriol towards Mapp of late is demonstrating that perhaps it is time for him to retire. He will be 70 years old in a couple of weeks. Isn't it time to enjoy life?
If this did not happen during Dr. Gallon"s tenure then why is Jerry Green attacking him. This is his typical bu#*@s@#&t whenever someone tries do the right thing and not cow tow to him. Something similar happen with Pastor Thomas when he would not kiss Jerry's a@^. This time he blew it with an unprovoked attack on a newcomer who is trying to improve our troubled schools. Why Jerry why? Sad, so so sad.
Assemblyman Green does not post a single comment about this matter. I guess that is because they did not meet his approval. I knlow because I posted a comment on his blog two days ago. Same ole Assemplyman Green spin.
I was very impressed on Mr. Gallon’s response and found it refreshing to have someone who is fiscally responsible. This just shows how Jerry Green does business. Get money for one thing and use it for something else. As for Linda Stender, Jerry Green and Sharon Robinson-Briggs, I hope the voters see that their time is over. Vote all the cronies out and this town will change for the better.
Dan I couldn't help but notice the startling difference in the juxtaposition of the new, fresh, young generation of fresh energy and progressive represented by Dr. Gallon and the same old machine politics represented by the old county hack Jerry Green. Gallon is more refreshing, like Obama, and Green just seems to represent the old back door dealing style of machine politician who would stop at nothing to retain power. Again, it's startling!
Jerry Green has been voted to stay in office term after term. Whose fault it that? Not mine, because I have never voted for him.
He reminds me of Sharpe James.
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