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Monday, January 8, 2007

Themes you will and [probably] won't hear tonight

Tonight's Council reorganization is also expected to be the setting for Mayor Robinson-Briggs' State of the City address, the annual review of accomplishments and forecast of initiatives for the upcoming year.

It is widely expected that she will discuss the Operation Ceasefire initiative -- which it is hoped will finally get under way this month -- and point out that 2006 homicides (10) are down significantly over 2005 (15) -- though no one can really explain why.

She is also expected to announce that she WILL perform civil union ceremonies, as provided for by the new state law soon to take effect. Plainfield presents an interesting case in this regard, having both a large gay and lesbian community as well as an overwhelming number of religious organizations whose leaders are considerably more conservative on 'family values' issues.

While Robinson-Briggs is expected to discuss CRIME as an issue, PT has a hunch there are some aspects that will receive scant or no attention:


Though there has been a blackout of sorts on crime reporting in recent months, word in the street is that BURGLARIES and ROBBERIES are UP. This may get scant attention this evening, and you won't see the official figures until August or September, thanks to the way the FBI manages Uniform Crime Reports. (You'd think in the Internet age, they could do better...)


Guns and gunplay incidents have increased dramatically in 2006, as PT pointed out in the December 3rd post -- up at least 25% through October 2006, if the Ledger figures are reliable.


While Mayor Robinson-Briggs rode into office on a wave of hysterical publicity around this issue, she has fallen silent since she was sworn in a year ago. Since the local papers no longer have the resources to do 'the cops' (as it is called), and hence there is very little news coverage, PT opines that ASSAULTS have not gone down and may even have increased a little -- though, again, we won't know for months.

More disturbing is the possibility that the Administration is using the news blackout (you will note that Plainfield does NOT participate in the 'Police Blotter' section in the Courier) to cover up the continued Black on Hispanic violence which Robinson-Briggs so skillfully used to political advantage during her campaign.

Lest you think PT is just being snippy, consider this: the beating last Tuesday that was reported by the Ledger (see here) involved a Hispanic victim and two Black assailants, something which PT only learned over the weekend. PT is told there are many other, unreported Black on Hispanic assaults.

PT also got email from readers concerning recent breakins and suspicious activity by persons going up and down streets knocking on doors to see if anyone was home. A blackout on crime news means that people are left to their own devices to figure out if anything is going on. Some may mistakenly conclude that no news = no crime and let their guard down inappropriately.

Wouldn't you think the Administration would want to develop a means like a web-based Neighborhood Watch on its website?

The website?! That's another matter.

Come on out tonight for the Mayor's address, 8 PM, Courthouse, East 4th Street & Watchung Avenue.

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