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Monday, November 16, 2009

Monarch condos occupied without certification?

Monarch condos.

Is someone living in the Monarch condos above Plainfield's new Senior Center without the building having been certified for occupancy?

Even as late as Veterans Day, when attendees were specifically told to park ELSEWHERE than the new Monarch complex's parking lot, it appeared issues with granting a certificate of occupany on the 62-unit complex were still unresolved.

Yet, driving by one evening last week, I noticed lights on in a unit facing East Front Street.

Thinking someone may have forgotten to outen the lights after showing a unit to a prospective buyer, I made a mental note.

Talking with a real estate professional later, I was told that indeed there IS an occupant in one of the units.

I'll be checking in with City Hall about the status later this morning.

-- Dan Damon [follow]

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Rob said...

Apparently lack of a Certificate of Occupancy applies to any new construction in Plainfield with political ties.....Park Offices ????

Anonymous said...

That is correct Rob -- the Park Madison County Office building and Parking deck (owned and developed by the Union County Improvement Authority and strong-armed by Charlotte Defillipo and Jerry Green)has been operating on a temporary certificate of occupancy since 2005. They have not fulfilled all of the requirements of the developers agreement or the Planning Board approval which they need to do to get the permanent CO!
What a city and county. Governor-elect Christie -- I hope you are reading this.

Anonymous said...

Dan in one of the other blogs, it seems that Carl Reed has been quoted as saying that buyers could pay $2,000 a month for the condos. Doesn't that strike you as kind of high? If there are buyers who are barely qualifying and have to depend on FHA, how can they afford to pay $2,000 for a condo? Its not clear if this includes the property taxes. Add to that amount utilities and food and other kinds of living expenses and it seems like Reed's calculations don't fit the average FHA homeowner. You can buy a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom detached house and pay that amount here in Plainfield. If someone is paying a $2,000 a month mortgage on a $199,000 property, aren't they paying a REALLY HIGH interest rate? If you do a mortgage calculation, even at a relatively high interest rate of 8%, that still comes to less than $1,500 per month. As a former real estate agent, could you please enlighten me as to how Mr. Reed could possibly come up with such a high figure? I can't imagine that FHA qualified people could spend that much for a condo or that they would even want to if they could get a house for the same price.

Anonymous said...

To 8:07am - I hope that you also send your information to the governor. My task for these next 4 years is to send all of these things to our governor. We may be stuck with this administration and Green because of elections, but I am going to make sure that the Lt. Governor hear alot about Plainfield and its goings on.