Republican candidate Chris Christie in Plainfield in July,
with District 22 candidates 'Bo' Vastine and Martin Marks.
When Governor-elect Chris Christie campaigned in Plainfield this past July (by chance, it was on Bastille Day), his very presence ruffled the feathers of Assemblyman Jerry Green (see my post here).
Sensing a threat to his and Linda Stender's Assembly seats from Republican challengers 'Bo' Vastine and Marty Marks (which turned out to be real, see here and here), Green took on Christie, Vastine and Marks in an impromptu jibjab.
You can read the Assemblyman's take on the visit on his blog (see here) as well as Marks and Vastine (here) on theirs.
While Assemblyman Green tried to get the attention of the press gaggle by attacking George W. Bush (who was NOT running, by the way), candidate Christie did not take the bait, instead issuing the Assemblyman an invitation, 'Assemblyman, you can make an appointment to come down and see me in my office in Trenton in January'.
I'm sure the invitation still stands.
What will Assemblyman Green have to talk about now?
- Plainfield Today --
- 7/15/2009: "Mr. Christie goes to Plainfield"
- 11/4/2009: "Jerry and Sharon win, now are between rock and hard place"
- 11/6/2009: "Plainfield, District 22 and Union County: 2005 and 2009 compared"
- Jerry Green's Page: "Chris Christie comes to Plainfield without any plans to move the city forward"
- Marks Campaign Blog: "Greetings from Plainfield!"
-- Dan Damon [follow]
How about giving Route 28 in plainfield to the NJ State Highway department to save the town money ??
Well...obviously not the astute Assemblyman's incompetence nor that of his assistant Mayor...hopefully it could be something along the lines of "Hey, listen my district and city need your help cleaning out the garbage that causes them to be nothing more than a drain on the taxpayers wallet "
- But then again , that would be the Assemblyman asking for the Governor to get rid of him and our assistant Mayor..so not likely I guess.
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