Summer cold has me under the weather.
May post later.
-- Dan
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Dan, I hope you feel better. I really miss it when I can't read your blog. As someone who lives out of the state, you are my only contact with what is going on in Plainfield. Get well soon. I miss you.
Beverly Guest
Dan, Take two asprins and call me in the morning.
Disclaimer: I am not licensed to treat patients.Therefore anything free is worth no more than you pay.
Thanks, Beverly. It's just a cold, but wiped me out in combination with the heat and humidity yesterday and today. I'll be back at it Saturday.
Olddoc --
I once used the phrase with a European-trained physician friend, who took it literally and proceed to lecture me on the dangers of not taking aspirin as a serious medication, yada, yada, yada.
When I explained it was a catchprhase and not an actual instruction, I was met with incomprehension.
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