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Monday, November 19, 2007

Angela Perun dies

Plainfield has lost one of its unique treasures with the passing of Angela Perun, former City Councilor and State Assemblywoman.

Angela was outspoken -- to put it mildly -- about Plainfield's political classes and their shenanigans, and ever ready to take the mike at Council meetings to berate hapless Councilors about the issue du jour.

I got to know Angela through my friend and neighbor, the late Council president Ray Blanco.

Ray had been Angela's campaign manager for her successful run for an Assembly seat in 1982 and served as her legislative aide.

At a time when people were misinformed and gripped with fear over treating people with AIDS, Angela sponsored the Assembly's first legislation intended to insure their fair and adequate treatment by hospitals and social service agencies.

Angela was a fixture at Ray and Ken's legendary New Year's day receptions, and could always be found at the center of a hubbub occasioned by her provoking an intense discussion over an issue in the public eye. Whatever else people may have thought, they knew they had not been to a boring old ho-hum party.

Even in her final year, when health issues forced her withdrawal from public activity, she was eager to keep tabs on the world by way of the Internet and would occasionally email me about her difficulties understanding just how things worked.

While an email or a phone call would often clear up the problem, I was amazed at her tenacity and eagerness to master the new technology and stay abreast of all that was going on.

Angela, we shall miss you, and the sparkle you brought to Plainfield's public life.

Memorial Service for Angela Perun
Saturday, December 1, 2007
11:00 AM

First Unitarian Society of Plainfield
724 Park Avenue

On the Web --
-- Dan Damon

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